Traditional Chinese Winter Solstice Festival is just around corner and is time to go home. Familly gathering, having the colourful glutinous rice ball. Home, according to the dictionary means an environment that provide security and happiness.
Home..... where is our Home? where we came from? hmmm.... i guess i just think too much again....
why u suddenly so sentimental? too much stress from ur work?? take a break, dude!!!
hej! william...may you have a great family gathering with a lots of glutinous rice balls...cheers!
This time i am celebrating the festival in Kuala Lumpur :)
I love to eat this coloured bola bola so much! Cheer up man! Try going jogging to release stress.
hey william, long long time liao which i did not visit your blog cause that busy during working time so no go blog hop again....lol...
well, happy belated dong zhi first.....
wow..you still at usual oh? oh well....dont be think too much...if not you will always get headache....be happy and smiel always =D cheer...
if want some chat/yumcha, just buzz me loh... lol...
hej! William...Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and family and loved ones...have a great celebration...may Year of Ox bring you a lot of wealth, and happiness through out the year...
I thought you would stop writing after 'the last dance' surprisingly when blogspot updated your blog, I saw a different title but with the same profile I told myself luckily I didn't delete your 'last dance' in my list. It's always a pleasure reading your site, a lot of emotion, incidents going around, the way you treated yourself after a long day; the luxury I hardly have or almost forget the meaning of that due to busy schedule and plans.
Well, promised myself that this gonna be a fruitful year with better planning so I gonna have time for breaks to relax, step back and watch the beauty of nature and shopping in HK :) seriously, my wardrobe needs upgrading ~paiseh :o
Wishing u a 'bullish' new year and all the hapiness in the world for you. Hugs.
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